Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can I move out at 17 an not be charged as runaway or brought back in the state of Georgia ?

I'm 17 and I wanna move out. My mom passed away in 2008 and left custody of me to my aunt and uncle. For a while now we have had no tv and there's absolutely nothing to do but sit and listen to the radio and stare at 4 walls or sleep all the time. There's way to much negative energy in the house and I just hate being here. I get yelled at for little things like turnin the air on when I get hot or doing laundry and not turning the clothes right side out. I feel depressed all the time. They are way to controlling. The only place I get to go is to my boyfriends house and to the neighbors house Which is about 50 to 100 feet away from us! They say they trust me but actions speak louder than words. They have to do a background check on anybody that I ask to go somewhere with like my bfs neighbor who wanted to take me and my bf to Atlanta so I could meet my bfs grandparents. Unfortunatly he found something he didn't like a speeding ticket from 20yrs ago. It's getting rediculous and I can't take the negativity any more things are only getting worse I need help!!!

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