Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If a female truck driver becomes pregnant when should she stop driving?

When doctor advised. I know the risk of blot clots could be an issue...but I would think she could drive short hauls up until delivery. Long hauls would require frequent breaks or partner driving so she wouldn't have flexibility to move about more.

Do hide-away strobe lights effect insurence rates in Ohio?

I recently joined a local Fire Dept that is a volunteer FD and EMS company. I will be responding to Ems and Fire calls from over 2.5 miles away. I recently bought a WOLO 4 light lightning 2 strobe kit, and am having it installed on my 99' F150. I'm wandering if it will effect insurance rates, or does it even need mentioned to insurance that they are installed on the vehicle? They are, after all, hide away strobes. They are installed in the headlights and tail lights of the truck, and don't stick out. They are only activated with the switch installed in the cab of the truck. Anyone know?

Helpp me!!!!!! dating problem :( advice please?

So i mean there are always guys you "like" you might obsess over think are hott or "love" all that jazz.. but theres this guy (my bfs cousin) who its kind of like beyond liking, not crazy fake love but more like wow. an amazing person who meets everything you want in a person and more and is always at te back of your mind ect.. soo this GUY unfortuanatly lives nearly a friken state over which is almost an hour. i see him maybe 3.. 4? times a year cuz im invited to all their big family parties. I mean hes just "perfect" if it were up to me, i'd even marry him. noww this long distance stuff is complicated. i don't even no where to start. and its not just a girl is crazy over guy. the guy i like is into me too..... any advice at all would be great :) thanks..

Do I go back after all of this heart ache?

Maybe given time you can work it out. BUT in meantime, there's no reason why you cannot date other guys especially guys who appreciate your sensitive side.

Will a 700r4 hold up behind 550 hp?

im building a ls1 and i have a th400 but want overdrive but idk if the 700 will hold up the truck is a 72 chevy swb if so where is the kit to build it? links! i can get the tranny build for free by my uncle thanks

Are there any feminist men out there?

I only ever seem to meet men who have really old-fashioned ideas about women; that they all want to get married and have babies as soon as possible, that they want to trap and control a man, that they're indecisive and that certain behaviour (such as being useless with money) is 'typical' of women. Are there any men out there who don't believe these things and actually think women are not defined entirely by their gender and might actually have their own quirks and foibles that make them human? And, if so, where are they?

PoLL!!Have You Ever Been To Toronto Canada?

This might be my last question, I gotta make my bfs lunch for work tomorrow and go to his arms, those very delicious arms you see in my pf picture, Lol....But i might be back, not sure..Thank you... :)

What should i get my bf for his 18th birthday?

OK so my bfs 18th birthday is next week! n i still havent got him anything! I know hes totally obsessed with starwars but idk what to get! we've only been together for like 2 months but hes been my best friend for a while! i dont wanna just get him a tshirt that feels too simple :/ i have no clue!! help!!

1997 ford f 150 4.2 liter engine the transmission cooler lines were leaking.?


What should I do? Love problem. Help! :(?

If u like him den just say yes.. its not right on ur part to say no now.. u gotta back up your behaviour... if u think he needs to wait den tell him that.. just be clear to him about ur intentions.. dont worry about others!

My dad spanked me? im a 14 yr old girl?

When i was little my parents would spank my bare bottom if i missed behaved alot, but they stopped doing that when i reached about 9, because i was getting older, so they would ground me instead! Well the other day me and my bf Who's 16 were making out on my bed, my dad Walked in on us And at the time my bfs hands were down my pants touching my butt, My dad Roared at my bf and sent him him, He was so angry i had never seen someone so angry in my wjole life He ran back of the stairs to me and closed the Door He told m to take Off my pants And he put me Over his knee He spanked Me Really Hard for about 10 minutes telling me '' i bet you did think you'd have your dads hands on your butt today did you? And if i didnt answer him he'd hit me harder very agresively, i was so scared , and cryin uncontrolably,i didnt expect any of this ,i told my mum when she got home from work and her and dad had a fight their talking now, and im grounded for a month! Does any one think this is just plain wrong or o ye agree with my dad , and think he was right? :(

How can the President seriously claim that he is for the middle class and scold Congress for taking a recess?

First I am middle class. I make $70k a year and every policy that he puts forward hurts the middle class and poor. 1)Taking away oil companies ability to take depletion & accelerated depreciation of its assets (that is the subsidies they refer too) is going to reduce oil exploration and increase the oil company expenses. This will of course cause an increase in heating oil and gas prices. Of course since gas prices will be higher that will cause increase in trucking and shipping and another increase in airfares. So now my necessities (food, heat and gas) are more expensive and if I am able to scrape together enough money for a vacation (which is unlikley) it will be more expensive too. What your moretoreum on oil drilling did not contribute to the rise in oil enough? To top it off the new EPA regualations which is essentially the Cap and Tax law that failed in Congress not only kills jobs in the clean coal industries but will raise my electricity bill as well. Now who does these increases hurt more the middle class or the Fat Cat in his corporate jet? Second in the last few months the President has played 17 rounds of golf (min 2.5 hrs) and held 33 fundraisers (lets say all time included 3hrs each) and then scolds Washington saying he has been there bc he met with each caucus for 1.5 hrs. So that is 142hrs to 6hrs. I guess the heart of this question is how can any regular working Joe like myself defend this policy. Best answer to anyone that can show me the error in my logic.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does he like me? PLZ HELP!?

Well I knew a lot of people in this situation. If it's your best friends step brother I think you should just stay as friends. Good luck!

Female black lab pup?

If it is throwback genes and your not planing on showing her, does it really matter? Search and rescue is only about the ability of the dog, not how she looks. Many mutts of untraceable heritage come through and make great search and rescue dogs. As long as you love her and your both happy, that's all that matters.

People that have everything..?

I have a friend that is getting married, big over the top wedding, while at the same time building a mansion. Her and her husband to be have matching mercedes truck and bmw cars. She has confided in me once that she doesnt want to marry him. My question is when people have everything...what happens when they are done planning the "dream life" and everything is set and your living it....are you happy?? How do the people who have everything find happiness

Relationship doubts ?

I'm having some doubts about my current relationship me and my current boyfriend our on our 19 time dating and this is in just half a year and he's a player so am I but I like him more than anyone else I've dated. I went to a rink on a day and I flirted with this Guy who turns out to be my bfs friend like I knew the Guy flirted with me too. Well anyway my bf found outvand my bf said he was gonna get payback by making out with a girl so I asked him if he wanted to just end our relationship he said no I don't want us to end should I just dump him and move on or if he makes out with another girl do I do the same to another Guy or what I'm confused and this is the longest that me and him have dated

My 2006 Sierra's air condition still blows when the key is off?

The truck is off and the key is in my pocket. But the air is still blowing air. What's wrong? Everything should shut off once the key is out and the truck is turned off

On that 6.5 chevy....?

Pulled glow plugs they look ok. But one had water on it... is this normal or am I out of a truck? Thanks for the help

How much would H-HAUL truck renting be from Bronx to Brooklyn?

Does anyone know the process and how much it would be using the U-HUAL company truck the medium studio size one. From Bronx to Brooklyn. To Rent it and have someone drive it if we pick it up in the bronx then leave the truck in brooklyn. On the website it says about $124, but people are saying it might be more than $200.

Why wont my boyfriend tell me why he thinks id brake up with him over crossdressing?

Most likely because he's had many people not accept him in the past. Whether it be family, friends, or girlfriends. Keep reassuring him that you won't break up with him. It's probably just hard for him to accept someone and let his guard down. Keep being his best friend first and foremost, and he'll eventually accept that you won't break up with him. :)

Could this win her heart over? How does it sound?

let me just say this if that don't win her over /then nothing will win her over.those words spoke with a lot of passion /love /understanding and what more could a girl ask for .you did a good job expressing your feelings/time will tell if this wins her over.

Girl dating help (TEN POINTS)?

I think it's super sweet that you're so committed to her! And that you don't wanna let go, and I don't have that good of advise, but here's some. You said she lives next door, if you ever see her outside try talking to her? And if you can't get her to talk to you, then I'd say...there is nothing you can do, besides keep messaging her. But don't do it to often. Some girls think its super annoying, and if you want message to her, and say. Hey, I havent talked to you in awhile? You doin ok? Or say hey, why won't you talk to me. Or simply juss message her and say hey, I have a question..and see if she messages you back! Good luck! :)

Advice on jacking a truck up?

I have a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab and I was thinking about lifting my truck up a bit. I am totally new to this and I have no clue the differences between suspensions, lifts, and what not. Which is the one you see on most trucks which are lifted up just a little higher, but not freakishly high? Also, how much will this cost?

Is it normal for toddlers/preschoolers to go through an concern with details/OCD phase?

My 2 1/2 year old does the door thing too. He has watched us close doors so many times, he figures that is what you do with an open door. It's kind of irritating when I am trying to get something out of the bottom drawer in the refrigerator and he wanders over and shuts the door on my head or when I am trying to load the dishwasher and he closes it after every dish, but I figure it's a phase.

Alright, let's try this one out?

HONEST CRITIQUE: Kind of vague and rambling. Never seems to move forward or describe what happened before the words you write, and how the situation got there.

Can my neighbor operate a commercial business on residential lot?

My neighbor has an easement across my driveway to access his home. His property is zoned as residential and is 3/2 home. He runs a big tree business and parks 3-5 huge trucks there each night and drives them over the easement each day. His workers meet there every morning and has place a huge 18 wheeler trailer on the lot for storage. Is this legal? how do I address this locally?

How do you deal with an immature boyfriend?

Hi so I have my boyfriend whom I love so much, but we both have our quirks, which can make eachother a bit mad or annoyed. I'm working on mine, but it doesn't seem like he's working on his very much. Basically when he gets mad he pouts and won't talk to me and so we spend half the day being mad at eachother or I'm just distraught because I have no clue what I can do to help him. We're in highschool and he does this in class. I find it a bit embarassing when he does and I've told him but usually he just pouts about it. He knows he acts this way and I don't appreciate it, but he does it anyways. I look at it as an immaturity thing. He's not afraid of telling me things; he just doesn't and starts to sulk. I've talk to him many times, but I'm still at a loss of what to do. I love him to death and I hate saying I want him to change, but I think it'd be a change for the better. Just like me not being jealous anymore. How do I help him when he's in this state and is there any way to help him speed up this process of maturing?

How can you go back to old mail version rather than Beta version?

I did something I usually never do....try a Beta version of something and that is Yahoo Mail Beta. Contact list suggestions don't popup, when click on the To: says I don't have any names in my contact list, can't use the Bold type, too many quirks that I don't like to deal with. Anyone know of where we can go back to the older version of Yahoo Mail?

What can i do to not be single?

Okay I'm single and entering high school soon...almost every1 of my friends even the ones who aren't attractive are getting bfs(I'm not saying ther ugly in a mean way I do love them but yea)and I really wanna a guy to like me.I can't make a guy like me but you know just what are some different ways to be myself look cute and make a guy u know have alil crush...of course idk if a guy likes me cuz I can't read a guyz mind.but yea how should I be around a new guy wat should I say tips like dat...please help thanxs!!!I'm also pretty shy and I really wanna bf cuz my friend that's a totall tomboy and looks like a guy got a man every1 in skool was like wat?!?

I would like your opinion on this!?

Ok so I have a friend who drives a 1999 f-150 and he has had the truck for 2 years now never changed the oil, brakes, never did a tune up and so on. He has never had a problem with any of his trucks he's ever owned. Well I been having a 1998 s-10 blazer for a year now. when I got it, it ran perfect. I change the oil every 3000miles tune ups at 40k and so on. I take realy good care of my vehicle. Well I have so much problems with mine now. And he doesn't have a single problem. I honestly do not get how this can be lol. Its bs. I figure it's just my luck.

Im just found out that im pregnant . i also found out my bfs cheating on me and his the dad. do i tell him?

im 19 soon 20 but im pregnant and i only found out today. To make things worse i also found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me. His the dad . do i tell him or leave him or tell him and leave or other?

What are some weird character quirks?

Well, I'm writing my eigth novel, so I'm running out of character quirks to use. I've tried searching sites, which has been helpful. If you answer, please don't link me to a website. Odds are I've already seen it. These should come from your mind. Thanks. =)

Parents of toddlers - whats one thing that your kid does that drives you crazy?

Ooh, that would have to be every dinner time. When she looks me square in the eye, smiles sweetly from her highchair, and then tips her whole dinner all over the floor, while still smiling at me. Then she cries, points and wants it all back again. Yes, love them!

Can a bank add a months payment to a repossession even if that months bill Isnt due?

So long story short my boyfriend and I have gone through some hardships in that last year, from getting laid off. We have fallen behind on our truck payments but have gotten caught back up and had a arrangement to pay the last payment to be completely caught up this friday. We have our truck loan with Compass bank and today we called to get the balance of what was due friday, come to find out they have placed our truck in repossession. Apparently the payment we made previously was one day late cuz the bank entered it to late in the night for them to get it same day. Anyways as angry as I am I understand the bank has the right to put our vehicle up for repossession, now my question comes into play. In order for us to take it out of repossession we have to pay a fee to get the notice off plus the balance that was still due, not a big problem except the bank is saying that the balance that is due includes next months payment plus what we were planning on paying friday. How does that work our payment isn't due till the 10th of the month, why do we have to pay next months payment when its not even up to be paid yet? Now Im pretty ticked off cuz how is that at all legal? Can someone please help i have no idea what Ima do since i don't have that kinda cash now!

Do you think she was trying to get me jealous?

we were in a gym sitting down in the bleachers and there were alot of people around ex gf and her bf were kinda sitting in front of me but just 1 seat to the left....then my ex gf was basicaly sitting sideways towards me and her bf..she was being a LITTLE loud and just talking about some stuff with her dude friends behind her..... then she puts her head on her bfs leg....she obviously knew i was there but .......just a curious question... do you think she was trying to get me jealous in some way?

I am military and have been dealing with pain from two bulging discs in my lower back since Easter.?

First it started with a numb leg with sharp shooting pains and tingling and pain, then my foot started hurting when input pressure on it, the military sent me to a neurologist that said I have meragia prosthetica which is associated with obesity (I'm 110 lbs) pregnancy and diabetes which I don't have and sent mr for an MRI. MRI showed slight bulge in l4 l5 and l5 s1 which wasn't significant enough to do anything about. Since then it's gotten so much worse my back is killing me feels like a truck has ran over me. They next sent me to pain mngmnt which said he couldn't diagnose me and that I needed a full neurological work up so I went back to base and they out in a referral to a teaching hospital which needed two weeks to decide I'f they would even take me so then I went back to dr on base and found out they denied me, so now my dr on base says he don't know what to do that I need to find a neurologist and he'd out the federal in for me. I'm at my wits end and in extreme amount of pain they won't give me any meds since I had disc fusion in dec and have been on lortab since which don't work at all and I feel like the military isn't helping me. I can barely walk can't work lost my job over this can hardly make my bills and don't know what to do! Please help! What can I do next, I'm a military dependent and I don't know where else to go went to er twice and they won't do anything either just sent me away. I just need out of pain. I can't sleep I'm starting to get ( sorry graphic) constipated now and I'm totally lost I think it's gotten worse but they won't do another MRI. Please any advise would help thanks

Would the Crown Victoria make a good first car?

I'm going into the market for a good first car, and I've been attracted to the Ford Crown Victoria (preferably a 1998-2010) because of its styling, overall durability, and other quirks like the column gear-shift. I'd like to know if it is a recommended car for someone starting out. Thanks! ^-^

Do you think I'm weird because of this?

I never actualy went out with a guy or kissed one,but everyone else has. Even lik disgusting weird people still get bfs and not me, guess it's cause I'm really shy or I'm ugly.some guys have asked me out butt...idk why is everyone else getting a guy and stuff but not me?! I'm seriously that lame?! And I'm 13, so yea any reasons whyyy?...

Do you need a Class C Driver's License to drive a 26' moving truck?

You're fine with a regular license, as long as you're talking about the rental type trucks from hertz and u-haul. You will have to stop at truck stop weigh stations though. Especially if you're driving cross country on the highways.

Car dealerships screwing people!?

my dad was going to buy a vehicle from teh car company and he got tricked into buying two vehicles and they told him the deal was not final that he had to come back today and he had his dad co-sign for it and they put the truck in his dads name instead of my dads. he went to change his mind today about buying the vehicles after talking to my mom and realizing how stupid he was and they are now not letting him go back on that deal. idk if you'd know anything about this but is there a way he can go back on it? they fed him a big line of crap and tricked him into buying a f250 and a mini coup. so when he went to take the vehicle back today they told him if he left it on the lot thats considered repossession and they will file it against him. are they aloud to do that???

Why do some people think it's 'cool' to have a mental illness?

They just don't understand. Maybe you should try explaining to them what OCD is. I used to joke about it before I knew what OCD meant.

Is feeling better after staying up past 24 hours a sign of migaine or depression or another medical condition?

I have an unknown medical condition that so far no doctors have been able to figure out what it is. I have episodes of pressure and sometimes dizziness and confusion that usually last for hours. This usually happens after some kind of trigger, which one of them for me seems to be artificial sweeteners for some reason espec. the ones in toothpaste. I have been to a neurologist and other doctors for the past year and they have tested me for lymes, tumors, and seizures. For some reason though im noticing my head feels a-lot clearer after not sleeping. Is this a legit symptom or is this just a personality quirk? Thanks for answering.

Tell me about your cats quirks?

I have two indoor/outdoor cas that no longer present me with their kills since I started throwing their presents away. They now deliver their kills to the dog instead.

Points for Best Answer: Simple Questions on Audi TT current model?

Looking at getting a 2007 TT 2.0FSI (200hp) DSG gearbox with 30,000km (18,000miles). Is the area immediately under the rear tail lights made of plastic or metal? There is a dent exactly half an inch under the right tail light cluster and I need to know if it is part of the bumper or the bodywork. Also, to get the facelifted "LED Daytime Running Lights" look on this 2007 model, is it a simple job of just replacing the headlight cluster with the facelifted model's lights? ANY quirks and common problems to look out for on the TT with this sort of mileage?

Im 15 years old and my bfs 17?

IM 15 MY BOYFRIEND IS 17 AND i want to lose my virginity to him but im kinda scared i mean his the first person i done everything else with but am i to young ? i know i love him we have been together 6 months?

I met a woman on line 4months ago.We fell in love thru type am I crazy for thinking this is real?

She seems to be real and I asked several times. we talk at least once everyday.We share daily quirks of the happenings.Am I a fool for this?

Why do I feel so guilty now my cat has died?

hey, im really sorry about your cat. i have to cats. there not abused or anything there always fed but both of them have something wrong with them and they might die :'(, so in some way im more prepared but i no how you feel, i know what u mean by you have the best cat in the world because one of the two cats is mine and the others is my bro and the other one absolutely adores me and i love it and i don't want to live my life with out it, your not being silly at all but i think if you got another cat it would be better maybe a good reminder for you cat to live with you through in a way just make sure you choose a cat with the same characteristics or idk personality as your cat. you have no reason to feel guilty at all his/her death wasn't your fault and you can tell by the way it acted it loved you so you can grieve but don't feel guilty and don't loose sleep, its okay <3 i do surgest what i said about another cat and i truly am really sorry (:

How can I tell if I have asperger's syndrome or am just shy WITHOUT being diagnosed?

There's no real difference between Asperger's Syndrome and having these traits. The only difference is whether you have a diagnosis or it. Keep in mind that autism is a classification invented by people, it's not an absolute thing you either have or don't have. If people are prejudiced, it may be best not to say it, especially if you don't really have a disability. You don't need to make excuses though, you are who you are.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is this the right birthday present for my bf?

That's really cute! Yeah, I would say it's a good present for him. Sentimental, in a way. Hehe, don't worry, cheese ninja! :3

Why does my 02 dodge ram 1500 2wd will bump alot from the back if i installed new rear shocks...?

when i bought this truck the guy told me that he had lowered the back of the truck..i dont know i installed new rear shocks on the back.cause he told me that was the only thing he switched in order to drop the truck from the back..i did noticed a little change of height after replacing the shocks on the back..but the bumpyness stills bad..every time i do 50mph and up it will start bumping alot i installed breand new tires also and that didnt help at all.i know its got 4 leaf springs on each side..please help any ideas???????

Whats more mature- The Office or Two and a Half Men?

I think its the office definitely, because its more about their mannerisms and little quirks that make the show funny.

I have bleeding gums, why?

I missed like a week of brushing my teeth due to the moving process and losing my toothbrush in the truck. I got a new one and now every time i brush my teeth my gums started to bleed. could it be gingivitis?

My friend told me how to ride my horse? What to do?

So today I let a friend of mine hop on my TB gelding to just do flat work [we ride hunter/jumper] and I rode a school horse. She then preceeded to tell me how to ride my horse. My horse is just a little neuroic and can get high strung at time. A lot of his quirks are just nervousness and I don't punish him for it. Anyways the point is, I kind of got angry because this is the first time she rode my horse. She tells me how to do a lot of things at the barn and is pretty critical and rude a lot. I normally just inorge it and just try to move on with my task however this really got to me. She also asked to ride my horse tomorrow and on thursday. I really didn't even want her today but surcame to peer presure. How do I tell her no? Is it okay to be a little fustrated with this girl?

Should I tell future boyfriends about my cheating past?

Yes, you should tell them about it. They deserve to know. If you worry that they'll judge you for it make sure that you also tell them the details about having lost your feelings for your boyfriend and that you have learnt from it.

Will my gf crush me in the future? or should i give her a second chance? This is important to me?

If she's begging I would give her one more chance. It sounds like though, as long as you are with her you are going to be living in drama. Good luck!

Relationship problem, need advice please?

My bfs friend thats a girl wants to hangout with me and him. Im convinced she likes him because she always asks him for advice and texts him non stop and is obsessed with hanging out with him, not once has she came to ME and asked ME to hangout with us..I said ok, i want to get to know this girl more if shes gonna be so close to my bf, so we planned for her and my bf to come over my house next week, now i found out from my bf that the two of them are hanging out tomorrow without me? I want to ask him why he needs tO hangout with her alone when we'll all hangout next week, i just dont know how to state it and i dont want to start a fight and seem jealous, i just am concerned about this and very suspicious, i trust him but i just wanna ask him why they need to hangout without me again when we're all gonna hangout next week. Btw i live in a different town (15 min away) from them two so im sort of at a disadvantage of seeing him as much as...please give me any opinions or advice, sorry for spelling errors im kind of rushing this !

I am so pathetic....................?

It must be strange to start dating someone after you have been with someone else for such a long time. Maybe your ex husband made you feel independent and your new boyfriend makes you feel the opposite. You don't have to leave him to be happy but maybe just spend more time on your own without him like with your friends and family or just do something you enjoy by yourself every once in a while. Maybe you should just start doing things that make you feel happy and independent just like how you felt before. Don't feel pathetic cause your not. It is perfectly fine to feel that way when something new is going on in your life that you don't like. Just do what you like and do what makes you happy :)

I need to get rid of a stove and I live in a major city and I don't have a truck.?

More specifically I live in Pittsburgh, PA (very close to the university of pittsburgh). The stove is junk and I need to know the best way to go about disposing of it. I suppose I could get a couple drunken friends to help me carry it to a nearby dumpster, but I wanted to know if there was an easier solution before I resorted to that.

What makes my truck cut off when idoling too long or when i put it in gear?

my truck dies out if idoling too long or if i put it in reverse or drive..sometimes it will act like it is going to cut off then comes back really strong could it be a fuel problem done changed spark plugs wires distributor cap and rotor button just didnt gap them and also smells likes it is burning way too much fuel

Good fast food on T.O to NYC?

This afternoon we are driving from Toronto to NYC, and I love great fast food, those random tiny diners and truck stops that serve yummy food! Anyone who has done the Toronto to new York drive have suggestions for me?

Does this represent America best?

It's very descriptive and very good. I hope no one thinks I'm being PC (politically correct) here but the unshaven mexican part does seem a bit shaky to me. It's really just the "unshaven" part. Maybe there's a replacement word that would work like "hopeful" or "destitute".

Do I have Antisocial Personality Disorder or is this quirk something else, but a type of disorder?

Nothings wrong with wanting to be alone. I would just be wise regarding picking safe areas to be alone, carry mace, and all that. As far as any other relationship issues, as you know honesty is best, and that seasoned with diplomacy where needed.

Syrian or dwarf hamster?

I have had two Syrian hamsters, and my most current one died recently. She had been struggling with various health issues all of her life, which is why I want to adopt one from a reputable breeder this time around. I contacted the owner of AAA Hamstery here in Southern California, and she has 8 sable roan Syrians available (as of now). However, she specializes in dwarf hamsters, and I have never owned one. Are they much different? I do like the idea of having a small group hamsters. I also have a critter universe 2, and if I do end up getting dwarves, does anyone know how many I could keep in that particular cage? By the way, this is purely opinionated. If you love Syrians, that's wonderful. And dwarves too. So please share any unique stories and quirks that either may have. It's all I have to decide on. Thanks in advance!

Are there any cheap longboards with trucks and wheels, that simulate snowboarding?

I'm a big snowboarder and I can't wait until winter again to start boarding. I really want a longboard now that I know some of them simulate snowboards, but I have a small budget.

Why do people sometimes tap their finger exactly 5 times during contemplation?

I can't be the only one who notices this, but I never hear about it. Sometimes when people are working out a problem that's not too pressing, they will tap their face, temple, or desk in front of them EXACTLY 5 times. Every once in a while you'll see 3, but mostly it's 5. Sometimes you'll see all the fingers on one hand go into a piano playing like gesture. I notice it's only for non serious problems, like what they should have for lunch, or how can they arrange the furniture to impress someone, - those sort of problems. It's a strange little quirk I've always wondered the meaning of. Why is the nervous system designed this way?

How to go about separating dogs?

So my boyfriend had a dog and he got me a dog after awhile. The dog we got was 9 months (beagle) at the time and his dog was 1 yr (Australian shepherd). I am staying in my bfs house for the summer with the dogs while he is away for work. Unfortunately we have broken up and when he gets back I will be finding my own place and taking my dog (beagle) with me. How hard is this on dog's, what can I do to make it easier, etc? I don't want to separate them but it has to be done. We've had the dogs together for about a year and they have always lived together. Thanks

Do you think my girlfriend will crush me in the future?

Dont let this girl BULLY you into doing something you will regret. Follow your intution as hard as it may be. If she is attention whore (sounds like she is) she will do ANYTHING 4 attention, not a good sign

My truck wont move is it a stuck brake?

its a i think 92 Toyota pickup or something. It my girlfriends so I'm not entirely sure its manual transmission. it starts fine, you can put it in gear and everything but when you go to drive it doesn't move. it sounds like its trying to but the wheels are stuck. is that the e brake or something? if not how would i know what it is and how would i go about fixing it. links to videos or diagrams or detailed explanation would be highly appreciated.

Possible Overdose... WHAT CAN I DO?

I moved with my bf and his son. also my bfs mom. well with all of the stress lately i think my new mom possiblely overdosed. She just fell asleep lastnight and seemed fine. she was breathing and acting ok. She woke up early this morning and spent over 3 hours in the bathroom puking, she pooped all over herself and was just laying on the floor of the bathroom. We moved to a new hotel and she is still completely out of it. Keeps falling asleep. dizzy, puking, doesnt know where she is or what she is doing. she took the dog out to pee and she shut her eyes and dropped the leash for the dog... which is very unlike her. Going to the hospital isnt an option right now. will this pass or will this continue up? PLEASE HELP US OUT....

Am i gay bii or straight? ?

Just enjoy your life and see what happens! It is great that you are talented in mechanics and plan to be an electrician. That doesn't mean you are one way or the other. You will meet wonderful people along the way, so merrily pursue your passion.

My ability to draw is gone/fading, Is there anything?

I have been drawing since I was very little and all my teachers were impressed at my skill. After a few years of drawing I even started to draw thing like people, cars, landscape and it was amazing. But, life has been busy lately between work, finding a place, and maintaining my truck and my skill has faded. I can't even draw daffy duck anymore. is there anything I can do to refresh my skill?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do you get a guy?

Cause I've had 2 bfs b4 and they were cheating lying a holes. So i was wandering how do i get a guy that likes me for me?

Should i be concerned of my bfs past?

Well he has an ex that wants him back and kept asking him when will they get back together cause she still liked him even though she cheated so she would text him and go up to him whenever i wasn't around. Then he is my first who i lost my virginity to and i guess it bugs me that he did it with two other people so i just feel like another girl to him even though he says I'm not and that he never has fallen in love until now with me. I mean i know its his past but should i worry about it?

Abs wheel sensor question?

Ok my abs light comes on alot, especially when it rains. That means I have a bad wheel Sensor right? Well how do I know which one to change? Or can I clean them all? Can a dirty sensor be the problem? the light usually comes on when I first start the truck and when I come to a dead stop, put it in park then back to drive the light goes off. But other times it will come on as I'm stoping and the pedal vibrates. I have a 1998 s-10 blazer.

I need help, and i dont know what is entirely riggt or wrong. ten points!?

i would say talk to her in person, it may be harder, but she will like you more for it, if you see her in her yard wave and say hi havent seen you in awhile what happened! or something like that, texting isnt always the best thing, trust me from experience.

1999 chevy 1500 will not go into reverse but has all foward gears.?

when i put my truck in drive it rives fine. But when its in reverse it dose not work. Please help me

Shoud i take a ccna course?

If there is a CCNA course at your school (or at another nearby institution to which you have access) which is properly set up with equipment, so that you get hands on experience, then I say you should go for it. If, on the other hand, you are just going to learn it out of a book or online course, you will not only have difficulty passing the exam but you will learn little of value and retain less. Learn the theory from the books by all means but do the practical as well; it's useful and fun, too.

What is china famous for?

What kinda things. What do they celebrate and what are some unique quirks that make them stand out? What images come to head when thinking of china?

If rape is so traumatic why don't more women report it?

Why do false reports of rape outnumber real cases of rape if it is so traumatic? One would figure that a woman would want to seek justice rather than using it as a tool to victimize their ex bfs and husbands with false accusations.

How do u get out of 4wd low?

Depends on what year it is. Some ofthose older trucks have manual locking hubs. You have to manually unlock the hub then switch to two wheel drive.

Please help me tell me what would you do?its short and easy?

I don't have many friends because I'm sicl of fake dad tell me I expect too much and take friendship too serously but this is who I am.I don't want to lie to my friends or use them.I've stopped talkin to my best friend because she only calls me when her bfs break up with her when she is lonely.I've stopped talkin to my other friend because she is too phony and fake.I only have one friend now who lives too far away from me and its kind of hard to meet up with bf has many guy friends and goes out with them.I have no problem with that because I trust him and I know he need his own space too.but I get bored at home and feel like a bf tells me if I was a smart girl I would keep my 2 friends on the side for when I need sister agrees with him.should I call that fake girl and my best friend?I have no love and respect for them anymore after I've seen their true faces.what should I do? Plz help.I can't make any new friends because I work and my co workers aren't my age group.and I just came to this country 6 yrs ago so I have no chidhood friends in here:(I feel sooo lonely

I'm afraid I might end up alone?

You don't have to get into a serious relationship at your age. Just date the guys you want to. How do you find them, look for them. It will start with friendship, when the time is right you will start dating and you might go your separate ways after high school. But you will definitely find someone you really like, in the future and get married.

Could i fit subs under my seat?

i have a 2001 frontier extended cab and my speakers are broken so i want to get a new sound system. i want to put new speakers, tweeters, and sub woofers. since i have an extended cab and i need the seats that fold out of the side of the truck from time to time i have almost no room for me to put subs. so i was wondering if putting i could put subs under my driver and passenger seats.

I want to break up with him, but I fear the outcome?

This relationship seems toxic, so you definitely should break up with him if you are not happy together. He'll get over it. Hoepfully people will grow up and not spread stupid lies around. Your ex's sound like weird people.

Should I Get My Tablet Replaced or Just Not Worry About This?

If the problem goes away when you get to the home screen or wherever you can finally interact with the device, I probably would not worry about it.

What should we do about our dog?

Try considering maybe getting an obedience trainer for dogs. If you dont want to, then borrow some books at the library about teaching obedience to your dog. Or look online.

Am I just jealous? Or is he trying to make me jealous I prefer guys to help me out on this..?

Okay so basically a while ago my cousin pretty much hooked me up with her bfs cousin.. She knows this guy pretty well and they talk like every single day.. She litterly took over and was giving me advice on what to say to him, It didn't work out between us do to misconceptions and long distance.. So he stopped talking 2 me first, I moved on obviously I don't care anymore but He told my cousin which is rude.. That I might be too "easy".. When I'm not.. Like I explained earlier!! She gave me advice on how to talk to him!! The thing is that.. They have been talking more and more..ever since we stopped!! Ppl tell me that he looks like hes doing it on purpose to make me "jealous".. And my cousin who's a b$tch keeps rubbing in my face that they talk all the time.. Like okay? Your his cousins bf!' that's just a little weird.. Idk but it really ticks me.. ESP whenever she mentions him.. Idk I try to not think about it so much so I act stuck up and not caring but inside it kinda hurts my feelings that she does that.. it's like she made a plan to humiliate me the whole time.. So what do you think? Am I Just overthinking it or Is she trying her hardest to make me jealous? An is it poss that he's doing that as well? Idk lol

Can you become a truck driver if your hiv positive?

because i was wondering since i have to take a blood drug screening test will that show on there?? the way im not hiv positive but i have been having unprotected sex and is just wondering??

What to do now that I have the truck?

About two weeks ago i posted a question about my cousin and got great advice. To recap, I sold him my 2003 chevy blazer. Its been over a year since he''s had it. To make a long story short, he wanted me to pay for repairs when it broke down. I told him no because it was sold as is. The truck never gave me problems when I owned it. Well, this morning when I woke up, I discovered the truck parked in my yard near my front door. I guess he's trying to be funny. He wont come get it. What do I do next?

My Daughters 9 year old this normal ?

My daughter just turned 9,she has a difficult time making friends.She made a friend that shares her quirks and they have playdates..etc..her family lives within earshot of our a block away.Both have gone to each others houses without their respective parent tagging along for the daughter had her birthday,and after being stood up by everyone invited last year we just decided it would be best for her and her buddy to do something together.We called her parents and asked if she could stay the night and go to the movies...they say ok..that it would be her first sleepover away from home.Then a few days later say that she has never rode in someone elses car for that long of a trip.If they could drop her off at the theater which is 25 minutes from home.So,we ask if she would like to come to..."oohhh no..that's ok I'm just protective".Soo they change their mind...they let her ride with us.OK..this is what I'm asking about...when the movie was close to being over I step out for a cigarette.I'm kneeling on the sidewalk up from the theatre.I look up and see her dad driving up the lot!!??I'm thinking maybe its not their car...but he drives right up to the door and looks all around,looks up and sees me a distance away,mind you....and turns down an aisle and gets the heck outta there!!So..I think. Maybe it wasn't him...then the next day when he pick her up he tells my wife...I was in the area yesterday....had an errand to run(in the same place we are at?)I saw your car"...???I'm thinking these people are CRAZY...I'm protective of my kids as well..but that is well as a little psychotic IMO...stalking us on our 9 YO birthday?Is that normal or do I need to be worried bout them?

Which one!????!!!?!!?!!?

Both of my ex's are still in-Love with me, yesterday on the last day of school one of my ex bfs came up to me and said he loved me and missed me so much, my other bf who always says he loves me and can't live with out me likes me as well, they both know eachother and they hate eachother very very very much... I am 100% sure that they both Love me, but I don't want to hurt any of them because they both have cried for me once, I like them both alittle, but I'm in so much pressure because they both ask me out every day and I try to use humar and say that it's sweet of them to say that, I know that one of them will be sad if I don't pick one of them, but how can I not hurt them ;,(

Can you transfer money from one bank to another?

I am going to open a new account with a bank in denver and my bfs bank is an hour up north. (different banks) Is there a way to put money from my bank account straight into his account? cuz id rather not do it thru mail or paypal cuz it takes forever.

If you tear your skateboard bushings, can you still break them in? Or do you HAVE to buy new ones?

I bought new skateboard trucks, and to my demise after a few ollies the bushing ripped, or popped out of place i guess you could say. I just want to know if i neeeed to buy new ones, or if they will still get 'broken in' after a while. Thank you very much.

Pregnancy question please answer?

i had sex and my bfs condom broke and he ejaculated inside of me well i started my period two days later could i still be pregnant?

Comment on my article about Lady Gaga...?

Most journalistic articles refrain from using the first person. Remove the I's and me's and focus on what Katy Perry and her fans think of her outrageous style. Also, it would help to have a strong sentence in the first paragraph related to your main idea (that Lady Gaga takes big risks that so far have paid off).

Why do i keep doing it, am i not ready or something?

It sounds like a nervous reaction your used to doing it so now its a habit i guess you just have to kiss the right guy for you to keep going try letting them kiss you and after the first kiss if you still want to break away you can if it would make you feel better you can kiss the guy first and have an advantage

Is this the right birthday present?

I'm sure if it's a light joke, and not a sentimental meaningful gift, that you've made the right choice.

Help! i dont know whats wrong with me.. am i abnormal?

ok so all of my friends have boyfriends and im the only one that doesnt. i went out with one guy and all we did was peck. im single for like a year and all of my friends have guys all over them. and they are still single! help! please what do i do. am i ugly or something? im so depressed. i guess im kinda considerd innocent because well i havent had any reall serious bfs... but im not! and all my friends think i am... i was the 1st on out when we played ten fingers... what do i do.. im really sad and when i see couples holding hands it makes me want to cry or shoot something. am i ugly? what can i do to fix it?

Creationist FAIL. I asked to give me evidence of against evolution. Can you do better?

Add to 9. and 10. the fact that chimps and other great apes are demonstrably conscious. "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts being a prime example.

What message was this crazy driver trying to get across?

One day I was walking home from school when a truck coming from the direction of the highschool honked right when he drove by me and scared the living sh*t out of me. My friend sid that means I'm hot, but other people have said it means they think you're fat. What do you think it means?

How to confront my friend about being 'too friendly' with my boyfriend without sounding like the evil gf?

My boyfriend is a bit clueless and I think he's worth it to go through all this drama. My mother told me I should confront my boyfriend in a friendly matter about respecting my wishes. I know my boyfriend would understand and never talk to her again...luckly for me this probelm just begun which is good because my boyfriend knows she is being very flirty and finds it weird but still being a typical guy and going along with it. My boyfriend is nuts about me and I trust him but I want to confront her so she would know she is being too flirty and to respect my wishes. How should I confront her about the public flirting with my boyfriend? Another thing is I live in new jersey and my boyfriend moved to new york but we still see each other on weekends luckly we don't have to see her at all. I know I shouldn't be jealous cause people tell me not to worry but again beauty is in the eye of the maybe he might like her personality. When you have amazing boyfriend, you will always be kind of scared to lose him...we always liked each other. I have my reasons to be worried cause this girl is telling my boyfriend she loves him and he's the best but he doesn't say one thing about me on facebook. Anways how to confront them both with out sounding like the jealous girl friend? What should I say to him about his? Because she has a big history of stealing people bfs..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What 3" body lift should I get for my truck?

I have a 87 Toyota pickup and am going to order a 3" body lift for it, but idk what all it needs to have. Can someone give me a link to buy a good lift online? And that's all I want to know. Don't give me no bs about what you think I should do or why I shouldn't lift it. Real answers only please.

What should I do about this?

So on facebook on my bfs wall there are always girls (usually his ex girlfriends) saying that they miss him. Could that mean something or am I being paranoid?

Please help, I hate my body after baby soo much its been a year and while i was never?

skinny to start with iam ugly now (body)...i am five two and fat, i have huge breast that sag soo much and i had a c section so i have this gut that hangs only 27...what makes things worse is that my bfs ex 9who he has a kid with) is still slim and toned after her baby and it makes me so jealous when we pick up their kid and she is wearing cute little bikinis, she has small boobs and after 2 kids her stomach is flat , i just get so!

My friend is stealing my bestfriend off me :/?

my friend is getting really close to my bestfriend, they live near each other so they hang out all the time. they have all these little phrases and quirks tht make them perfect bestfriends. they always go off at lunch and have a laugh all the time. i feel soo jealous and i dont want lose my bestfriend. all advice appreciated xx

Film based on Bank of America robbery, Mayfair, London, 1975?

The Big Scam, A nightingale Sang In Berkley Square or The Mayfair Bank Caper; all the same film, just different titles

What does the confederate flag mean in Canada?

I often see an old beater truck with a huge confederate flag attached to the back of the cab.around my city. Every time I wonder why he has it and what it means. Anybody know?

Does any one have suggestions on truck bed liners?

I just bought a RAM 1500 Crew cab and I want to protect the bed with a liner. I do not know much about them except there are spray liners and insert liners. Can anyone give me any info, recommendations and/or pros and cons on different liners.

Should we move towards this kind of society?

Should psychiatry evolve to medicate all children since birth for any little quirks or abnormality so that teaching children in public schools and raising them will be less of a pain and society will be more homogenous? Should there be so many disorders invented that everyone on earth has to be medicated for something and the government requires that everyone takes medication? A way they could force people to be drugged if they don't have the perfect personality for their society is disallow them from buying or selling anything if they don't swallow their pills. Better yet, should we just exterminate everyone who doesn't live to serve collective society and has their own interests and deem them a danger to society and "mentally ill"? We could make having the ability to get medicated a priviledge and those who have to be exterminated could be the "unlucky ones" that would be a good way to put fear in people so that they don't rebel and all the power is rested in the collective and we are all indebted to each other. So what do you think?

Why do I start acting like people I hang out with?

I've always sort of known I do this, but recently its become extremely clear and obvious. I'll begin to mimic certain personality traits, quirks like how someone laughs or talks, or certain subtle movements like if I hang with a friend who flips his hair alot then I'll eventually start doing it. Its not just with people I hang out with either. When I watch movies I sort of take on the vibe of the movie. For example I was recently watching Donnie Darkko (great movie I highly reccomend it) and I started to think of really weird unusual things that where kind of related to the dark, creepy, and sort of evil feel the movie and Donnie has. I have minor ADHD and no other know mental illnesses. I do however get homicidal/suicidal thoughts and urges randomly but none have ever been strong enough for me to act on. I have no idea why I do this and it may just be my random personality quirk but if its something more I'd REALLY like to know because it intrigues me. The whole idea is very interesting to me and if you have any idea why I might be doing it please share.

1989 F-150 V8, Fuel Injection, Dual Gas tanks, not getting the gas to start?

Don't drive it much, but the front gas tank has been reading full too long. Was running great, but the last few times I used it, it's been running rougher and rougher, like the gas was getting too old. When it ran real rough, brought it home quick, it died and won't start now. It's not getting the gas. Electrical is fine. At the end of trying to start it I do get "the buzz" sound. I changed the fuel filter and nothing. Man, I miss carburetors -- I had more control. Can't take it to the mechanic-- spent enough already getting somethings fixed and putting it up for sale. I need a plan of attack or my husband is going to junk it. It's a good truck with only 87,000 miles on it. Help!

Does anyone know the name of this commercial?

its about a guy whos driving a truck and he's talking on a cell phone and I he says "im a barbie" or something like that and then he crashes his car on a girls' car. i think its an automobile insurance commercial...the guy looks tough like the guy from the transporter but this one has hair and i think he's driving on a parking lot...please help i want to watch that commercial again! thanks in advanced:)

4 week old puppy questions?!?

4 weeks is plenty old enough to begin eating a "Gruel" Made of moist puppy food and canned CHOPPED BEEF Pedigree canned dog food all smashed together. Offer water or Esbilac milk replacer in a bowl. He is whining because he is a baby. Equivalent to an infants cry. There's always a pup in every litter that is nosier then all the others. Dawn should help with fleas. Make sure the bedding is washed to not re-infect the pups and they are thoroughly dry and free from drafts.

Why would someone be so friendly over text and so cold in reality?

he's probably shy or uncomfortable, its probably just easier for him to talk over text,it should get better with a little time

Did i lose her forever, or is it just a bump in yhe road.?

To be honest: You seem like you've tried your best. Maybe something is going on in her life and that is why she isn't responding to anything. I know it hurts but your choices- as far as I see it- is to keep trying more (maybe go to her house? Talk to parents? Talk to her friends?) or to let her go. Everything will work out for the better eventually though.

How do I submit a civil lawsuit against someone in Montgomery County, PA?

File the lawsuit with the magistrates office. You'll have to fill out paper work and pay a filing fee.

How do you trigger a driver side air bag to cut the dang thing out?

Stupid ding,ding,ding,ding,ding. I,ll just crawl under the truck and hit the trigger with a ball-pein hammer.

Is the universe contained within a black hole?

no. the event horizon is the limit where even light will be attracted to the black hole when it passes through the event horizon, that's why we cannot see the things inside a black hole because the light emitted by the black hole is again attracted to itself with its massive gravity.

Vampires... if any one is interested?

they would probably disguise themselves well. since they have not been discovered yet, we can assume we know nothing about them because their disguises are so good. and if they exist, they are probably blessing the current surplus of vampire books/tv series because it disguises them even better.

Will this make sex difficult for us?

my bf is 6`4 im 5`8 how is that ganna work sexually? lol all my bfs were like 5`10 not almost a foot taller than me! is it ganna be akward? his last gf was 5`2 and he said it didnt work having sex with her, something like that,, well ya i could only imagine how akward it was,, do you think itll be like that with me too?

Considering semi-truck driving for a new career.?

I am 49 and considering going into semi-truck driving. How does that work eactly? Are there any videos of student drivers talking about training ? I know the pay is low, but how much can do I get paid and when? How does that work? And do I HAVE to train with a trainer very long before I am aloud to drive by myself? I am kinda of a solitary person.

Is my weight loss normal?

So i joined Weight watchers literally 3 weeks ago. I've been sticking to my allowence but i've kinda spoilt myself this week. It was my bfs 21st on Thursday so i allowed myself cake and such and i havent been exercising as much as i'd like to. So in the first week, i lost half a stone which i thought was pretty awesome, but im aware you lose the most weight in the first couple of weeks so i wasnt expecting to keep it up. anyways, by week 2, i'd lost a total of 1 stone and 1lb. So i weighed myself last night and according to my scales, ive lost a stone and a half in 1 week, ive literally lost 2 and a half stone in 3 weeks? I weighed myself multiple times since, and ive even used different scales incase mine were lying, and they all say a similar reading. I dont see a difference in my body weight and my clothes dont seem to be getting much baggier, but other people say they can tell.. so am i going to gain a lot of weight in the next few weeks or is this normal?

Help:-( Should I keep helping my bf or no?

No, don't help him anymore. He has obviously taken advantage of you. I would understand if you helped him out with a few groceries every now and then IF he made an effort to get back on his feet, but buying him cars and paying his phone bills?!! Leave him. Move on.

My boyfriend shead a tear? I need some answers please .?

Whenever you move away from your loved ones, it really is hard. I have been in a different country for a year maybe and a month later am moving again. It creates this empty space in your heart knowing that you might never come back and I don't even remember how many times I cried this year! :/ that's the first emotion he is feeling. He is sorry for missing your B-Day cos he feels close to you. I researched that girls like or love bad boys because they believe their love can cure the mistakes of the boy and change his ways. Just keep in mind: if you're only 15 his family is more important than you are. Once he gets his path straight, hopefully ( and I think) he will come back to see you :)

Will telling my boyfriend about my eating disorder history scare him off?

Well in all honesty, if the eating disorder bothers him and he runs away, he wasn't a good boyfriend for you anyways. A true boyfriend wouldn't care and would accept you for who you are, as cliche as it sounds. So to answer your question, its possible, it all depends on your boyfriend.

Relationship problem, need advice please?

My bfs friend thats a girl wants to hangout with me and him. Im convinced she likes him because she always asks him for advice and texts him non stop and is obsessed with hanging out with him, not once has she came to ME and asked ME to hangout with us..I said ok, i want to get to know this girl more if shes gonna be so close to my bf, so we planned for her and my bf to come over my house next week, now i found out from my bf that the two of them are hanging out tomorrow without me? I want to ask him why he needs tO hangout with her alone when we'll all hangout next week, i just dont know how to state it and i dont want to start a fight and seem jealous, i just am concerned about this and very suspicious, i trust him but i just wanna ask him why they need to hangout without me again when we're all gonna hangout next week. Btw i live in a different town (15 min away) from them two so im sort of at a disadvantage of seeing him as much as...please give me any opinions or advice, sorry for spelling errors im kind of rushing this !

Do you think this is wierd?

I think she was just joking around, unless she just realized that her son is growing up and she may walk in at certain times when you guys are fooling around. Or maybe she is jealous that she doesn't get any action from her husband! :3

DO I HAVE A CHANCE? or are we just friends?

Honey, if you like him go for him. You have to do what is best for you in life. If you and your best friends stepbrother have a problem, I might consider staying friends. If you guys are fine tho, talk to him! Im sure it would be a great relationship. Im 21 and already went through high school years. He definetley likes you. I hope this helps you! And remember, be yourself because a boy will like you for who you are, and it seem like he does.(:

Is it legal in the state of tennesee to leave a minor at home?

My friends cousin is 16 and pregnant. Her dad is a truck driver so she lives at home all by herself for weeks at a time. Her mom lives in misouri with her younger sister. Is it legal to let her live all by her self for that amount of time? Is it niglect?

Am i honestly doing something wrong?

ok so ive known this guy for almost a year now, when i first met him he was in a commited relationship with of girlfriend of lke 7 months or so, and i was single at the time,for the longest time he knew i liked him , it was obvious and it was obvious to me that he liked me aswell.he made that clear by telling me he did.after a few months in october i had gtten into a relationship, and my friend was still in a relationship , however we still liked eachother and we tried to dismiss that hence because we both in relationships.anyways a few months later his gf broke up with and me and my boyfriend were going through some issues and he kinda helped me through that.things with my boyfriend became worse and we eneded up breaking up . unfortunately me and my friend did not get together because he said he still had feelings for his ex , in the back of my mind i was not happy with the desicion but i couldnt do anything about it in the time period when we were both single we got extremely close it was alomost like i was his gf but in reality i wasnt. some time went by and me and my ex got back together i finally told him that yesterday and he wasnt mad at me but he was rather dissapointed in me because i got back with him,(my boyfriend doesnt really treat me the best at all times and m friend is aware of that due to the myiad of stories i tell him about my bf) my bfand i are constantly arguing and breaking up atleast 3-4 times a week its getting out of hand now im aware of that and so is my friend , it seems like the only reason why i stay with him is becasue my bf has my virginity.. my friend knows that i would love to be with him without a doubt cuz hes exactly everything my bfs not.and me and him just the question that im trying to ask is;1. do you guys think he still likes me (my friend). 2. do you think him ni will ever be together and 3. what should i do about my boyfriend.

New Military wife. I'm so bored, what to do?

My Husband is in the Army and we are stationed in Fort Stewart GA. I'm a stay at home mom and wife. I was going to get a job at the day care center on post but someone ran a stop sign on post and hit my husband and totalled his truck(he is fine thank God). So we are down to one vehicle and he needs my SUV to get to work and back and now me and my son are stuck in the house. I only have one friend down here but she doesn't have kids so its sometimes hard to hang out with her. We don't have tons of money either so I'm limited when it comes to that. We have a pool in our apartment complex but my son is only 1 and still doesn't care for the pool that much only for an hr or 2 if that. I can't even go to the gym on post because they charge money for everytime my son goes into the Kids Club there. My son and I are becoming very bored and need more things to do any ideas would be great!

Why is my cat pawing at my lips?

I adopted my cat when she was around a year old, and have had her for at least 4 or 5 months now, and she has quite a few other quirky habits, but the past 2 weeks, every morning exactly 10 minutes before my alarm goes off, she has started waking me up by pawing at my lips repeatedly. She doesn't meow, but just keep poking at me, even if i turn over she'll just follow unless i put my head under the covers. After getting up I check to see if she was in need of food or water or anything but it wasn't the case. Does this behavior mean anything in particular or is this just another one of her quirks?

Is it wrong o add my bfs ex on facebook?

I mean, he's a freshman and I'm an 8th grader so it's not like were gonna be getting married or something. She's made it clear that she doesn't like me. But I really really want to send her a request. Would it be wrong???

Can you die by jumping out a car that is going more than 90 mph???? please answer quickly?

I was playing the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta (iz awesome btw) and i fell off a truck that looked as if it was going 90 mph or more (it was following an airplane) and as i hit the ground i died. And my little nephew said that it's stupid and can't die from a fall like that. I said of course you could die from a fall like that and my cousin agreed with me. He said no matter what i say he's not going to agree with me. So i need help from you the fellow interweb browsers to help me prove my point and rub it in his face lol. Because i know he's just doing this to annoy the crap out of me and he's being a little douchebag about it. For those of you who have little brothers and sisters who are 12 would understand me.

Good primitive camping spot in Southern Alabama?

My husband and I are looking to do some camping this weekend and I'm trying to find a good place in Southern Alabama. We don't need all the bells and whistles, actually would prefer a little bit of seclusion (we have two pit bulls and people love to stereotype). We also would like to be near the water. Does anyone have any suggestions?? Oh and we have a 4x4 truck, so getting there wouldn't be an issue either. Thanks!

Is feeling better after staying up past 24 hours a sign of migaine or depression or another medical condition?

I have an unknown medical condition that so far no doctors have been able to figure out what it is. I have episodes of pressure and sometimes dizziness and confusion that usually last for hours. This usually happens after some kind of trigger, which one of them for me seems to be artificial sweeteners for some reason espec. the ones in toothpaste. I have been to a neurologist and other doctors for the past year and they have tested me for lymes, tumors, and seizures. For some reason though im noticing my head feels a-lot clearer after not sleeping. Is this a legit symptom or is this just a personality quirk? Thanks for answering.

Are there any books or videos to teach me how to repair mopeds (50 CC motorbikes and scooters)?

Why not get a service manual. A Haynes manual for this scooter is only $33.95 USD + shipping. It will pay for itself the first time you use it.

My friend bought me a truck in maine i live in georgia can i get it registered and insured in maine?

my friend bought me a truck in maine i live in georgia and i need to know if i can get it registered and insured in maine if i cant do that then how do i get it registered and insured so i can drive it back to georgia and maybe drive it around while im up there on vacation. any advice will be helpful and if there is any way possible to take care of this in maine let me know i just want to get this problem resolved thank you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Advice needed (My Mom)?

I left home when I was 17, because my mom use to abuse me for just leaving dishes in the sink. I had to wear clothes twice my size or I would get punched she use to tell me she never wanted me so I got tired of it and left to a different city with someone.I'm 22 now and I just had a son and now with an amazing man .The thing is when I use to date my mom would ask my bfs for money or me and I would always give it to her,I even owe the IRS because of her and she yelled at me cause I couldn't give her the rest of the money.Well,on Mothers day my bf took me to a nice hotel .He told my mom he was going to take her out to eat but my mom wanted him to take my 5 siblings too so he said i'll see if he had enough.He tried to explain we only had enough to take her she went off calling me selfish ,"she wish she never had me" start hitting my boyfriend while he was holding my son..and kick us out of her house mind you we live 50 mins away from her but shes still calls me names tells me im selfish and I try to do everything for her ,like i dont have a license and she wanted my bf who was at work to come take her to the hospital when i told her we cant she just went off on me ..I still say yes ma'am to her my sisters who are 16 and 17 they have it easy I never heard her once say anything mean to them they wear tight clothes they bearly listen to her ,my 5 sibs have the same dad I'm from a different father but now her birthday is tomorrow shes like" Give me a gift i want something from you and him I deserve it since your so selfish ",she wasn't even saying it nice! I bearly work ,my bf pays all the bills plus we have a son and she calls me selfish all I do is give her respect and she goes and talk bad about me to me lil sisters and i hate that hurts so much and I tried talking to her she feel sorry for a little but then the next day she yells at me and now Im grown all I ever do is try to please her. I don't want to do things for her just 'cause I don't want her to be mad at me I want to do it because shes my mom and i want to..I think she feels like just 'cause shes my mom I have to give her respect .When I try talking to her about it she says its 'cause I left home that's why shes that way but she was that way before! dont know what to do I want to keep are relationship but shes caused me stress when i was pregnant,and before that ! I mean im shock my bf still with me...she treats me like a little kid,she doesn't even do that to my sisters....and there kids but like i said i never talk back to her I give her respect no matter what but Im getting tired of getting treated this way when I love her so much .She tries to be nice some times so I would bring my son over her house but then she goes back mean ...Idk Im stressing to much

Latitude or LTX M/S 2 for 07 Highlander?

I am trying to decide between Michelin's Latitude Tour or LTX M/S 2 for my 07 Highlander Sport. I am mainly looking for a safe, smooth, quiet and comfortable riding tire that will last better than Bridgestone Dueler HL Alenza's that are currently on the car (only lasted 36K miles). Most of my driving is city with some short stretches of highway. LTX M/S 2 gets glowing reviews, but I'm not sure since it is aimed at SUV and Light Truck vs. Latitude that focuses on SUV and Crossover markets.

Girls with bfs: what gives you motivation to dress up for him?

I mean, my bf is going to have sex with me or say i look pretty/cute no matter what i'm wearing. He says it everyday. When i put on makeup, he barely notices. When i dress sexy, he says i shouldnt show so much skin. When i go clubbing with him an dmy friends, its not like old times, i dont have to look good because i know i will have a guy all nightl whereas when i was single it was SO FUN to dress up in a hot outfit, shoes, accesories, makeup. My bf complains i put in no effort. Even no effort in that i dont wear sexy lingerie - well what is the point if he tears my clothes off 1 min after getting to his house everyday. What can i use to motivate me to dress up pretty?

Do you guys think this is mssed up with my bf & what should i do about this love triangle?

ok so ive known this guy for almost a year now, when i first met him he was in a commited relationship with of girlfriend of lke 7 months or so, and i was single at the time,for the longest time he knew i liked him , it was obvious and it was obvious to me that he liked me aswell.he made that clear by telling me he did.after a few months in october i had gtten into a relationship, and my friend was still in a relationship , however we still liked eachother and we tried to dismiss that hence because we both in relationships.anyways a few months later his gf broke up with and me and my boyfriend were going through some issues and he kinda helped me through that.things with my boyfriend became worse and we eneded up breaking up . unfortunately me and my friend did not get together because he said he still had feelings for his ex , in the back of my mind i was not happy with the desicion but i couldnt do anything about it in the time period when we were both single we got extremely close it was alomost like i was his gf but in reality i wasnt. some time went by and me and my ex got back together i finally told him that yesterday and he wasnt mad at me but he was rather dissapointed in me because i got back with him,(my boyfriend doesnt really treat me the best at all times and m friend is aware of that due to the myiad of stories i tell him about my bf) my bfand i are constantly arguing and breaking up atleast 3-4 times a week its getting out of hand now im aware of that and so is my friend , it seems like the only reason why i stay with him is becasue my bf has my virginity.. my friend knows that i would love to be with him without a doubt cuz hes exactly everything my bfs not.and me and him just the question that im trying to ask is;1. do you guys think he still likes me (my friend). 2. do you think him ni will ever be together and 3. what should i do about my boyfriend.

Help! i dont know whats wrong with me.. am i abnormal?

ok so all of my friends have boyfriends and im the only one that doesnt. i went out with one guy and all we did was peck. im single for like a year and all of my friends have guys all over them. and they are still single! help! please what do i do. am i ugly or something? im so depressed. i guess im kinda considerd innocent because well i havent had any reall serious bfs... but im not! and all my friends think i am... i was the 1st on out when we played ten fingers... what do i do.. im really sad and when i see couples holding hands it makes me want to cry or shoot something. am i ugly? what can i do to fix it?

What should i do? i need advice & fast!?

Honestly, I would question his love for you because I understand needing space, but throwing the person that you are planning on spending the rest of your life with? I think he is thinking about breaking up with you but doesn't want to so he thinks that "space" might keep you guys together because he just can't handle it. Take a break from communicating with him just to get yourself over everything that has happened and then try talking to him about everything that you feel so you will know for sure where you guys are going with the relationship. Hope this helps :)

Need girl help (10 points)?

Aww thats so sad. If hasn't responded in that long, I think you should try and move on. If she's what kept you from killing yourself you should get some professional (therapist) help in this case, its not safe. there is a lot more to life than a 13 year old girl who never answers her texts.

Gelding that likes to get up and GO on the trails?

Lots and lots of not running him. It's always easier to instill good behavior/training in horses than it is to retrain the results of this sort of riding.

I have bleeding gums, why?

I missed like a week of brushing my teeth due to the moving process and losing my toothbrush in the truck. I got a new one and now every time i brush my teeth my gums started to bleed. could it be gingivitis?

Why are some guys so friendly over text and so cold in reality?

ok this is too obvious to even ask about it. THE MAJORITY of guys feel more comfortable speaking and letting out their emotions in text rather than in person. beleive me. he probably panicks when he sees u in person

What are some popular nitro rc arplane brands?

i have a traxxas t-maxx 2.5r and im looking for a new addition to my "garage" and i know that some well made brands for nitro cars and trucks are like Traxxas & HPI RACING does anyone know any major well built brands of rc nitro airplanes plz help!!

I'm going to miss my classmates?

Samee here ): im sad.. that school year is ending ima miss all my classmates. try keeping touch with them (= .

Answer plox (its about a girl)?

WELLLLLLLLLLLL you shuld just talk to her and tell her how you feel without being weird and making it weird for her so she can feel comfortable around you dont be a puss

Does he like me Please Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I'm going to say yes...but as a sixteen year old boy he likes anything walking. The true test is if he likes you in fifteen years:) Girly your young once don't get too hung up on this guy. Have fun be crazy and stay safe!

2004 Honda Accord EX Coupe, what engine are in them?

I thought they were v-6's, but i emailed someone in buying one, and they said i "believe its a 4 cylinder" so yea....

How can i stop scratching my face?

I have a horrible habit of scratching my face. its not that my face is irritated or anything i just do it like a quirk. How can I stop??

Why did I get breakouts of small pimples?

It's been a little less than a week. I've been getting small pimples around my body. From my chest to my back to my arms and legs. None on my face. Also some on my neck. I havn't gone to the doctor. Can anybody tell me whats happening? Is it herpes?? Because some girl I think has herpes(she has had a bunch of bfs.) tried to give me a hickey.

Do people in the north say or do these southern things?

Yes, the North is very backwards and boring, no reason for any of you foreigners to come here. Stay in CA.

Why does this happen when we eat?

This may be a random question but sometimes when we eat, we don't know really but sometimes we move our hands, fingers, toes, feet they're like quirks. Why does this happen what is our brain doing?

Soo confused..need help on boys!!!?

Ok this is a weird situation...I have a bf now for 9 months..and just last month me and a friend went on a night out, there we met these guys that were decent and very respectfull....we were talking to them the whole nite, as they both knew we had bfs...but before we left I gave him a good nights kiss,and added him on fb...(was a bit drunk :p)....anyway my bf know bout this but he forgave me....only probs is I can't forget bout that guy I met out!..and once I was talkin to him on fb, he even saud I was diffrent to the Otha girls and he'd really would like to know me..he seems real genuine, but after saying that he never starts a convo on fb...and wen I do he seems intrested and talks...but then never again unless I do.....maybe I should forget bout him????? I don't know maybe because I don't have him Im gettin bored of my!!!!!..........btw I'm not a slut my current bf is my first so I'm new to these feelings ...wat should I do help

Problem with a hysterical woman,?

In back of our yard there is a overgrown brushy area an yesterday we were sitting it the back yard. She suddenly seen a black snake approximately two, six inches long and panicked! She has this thing about being afraid of snakes that is out of proportion to reality and stayed awake all night last night watching for "that snake to come in the house"! Other than this quirk she is sane and rational. Any senable advise appreciated.

Do you think i will Get in trouble if i pull a Car down the road with My Truck?

My car is Broke down. Just 2 blocks away from My house. i don't want to pay 60 bucks to be towed 2 blocks. This is Not a main road. Not Much traffic on it. just a regular 2 lane road. i want to pull My car at a slow speed with my truck to blocks to My house. do you think i would get in trouble for that? The risky part is My house is 2 blocks the local police station is 4 blocks. :-) so i kind of nervous about doing it. But i am broke and cant really afford a 60 dollar tow for just 2 blocks. Maybe i do it like at 3 in the morning or something when hardly nobody on the road. what you think?

Smog problem...wrong engine? 454 chevy silverado 2500 1989?

sounds like they put a non smog engine in your truck, they make alot more power but wont pass e check. there are lots of different 454's but since its an 89 its injected so they might have put the right engine in but didn't hook up all the emision stuff. or it could have non emission friendly parts like a huge cam or something.

Why Cant I Get a Boyfriend?

Okay so I'm not going to say that I've never had a bf before. Its just that all the guys I have dated were long distance relationships. I don't really have that many guy friends because I'm shy. What would be some possible reasons why no guy from my school seems to like me. Oh and I'm not ugly or fat. I would say I'm okay looking and have an average body. Btw there's some girls who are uglier than me seem to always have bfs.

How many copies can there be?

Parallel Universes, a source of fascination and an interesting topic for a poem. Got me thinking. Thank you

Where can i get lil boosie ghetto stories dvd soundtrack from?

or what is the name of that song when slim in in the truck riding when lil phat be sayin everything on a hustle i cant find that song no where

Is what I'm feeling really love?

I first started feeling this way 10 months ago. I don't know what it is and I'm so confused! I will be busy doing something else but then all of a sudden his name pops in my head and then I can't think about anything else. He's not my usual type but that's what makes this so strange to me. I don't know how, but for some reason my heart yearns for him so much it hurts! Every time I hear his voice I can't help but smile. His laugh is the most beautiful sound there is to me. No one is more handsome to me. If he feels sad or upset about something, then I do too. I wish I could take all his pain away so he would never want to cry. I could spot him a mile away. I'm proud of all he's worked so hard for and support him. I want to be a part of his life and him to be a part of mine. I don't get jealous easily. I know he has flaws but all those quirks of his make him more like-able.I would be happy just as long as he's happy and as long as I'm near him. I want him to be the first person I see when I wake up and the last person I see when I go to sleep. When I first met him I didn't feel this way. Is this love or just infatuation?

What do people generally think of transvestites?

I am fine with transvestites. I watched a program that said native americans refer to them as 'twin spirited' meaning that they had both male and female spirits. This description has always stuck with me. I have not had any transvestite friends, but I have encountered them in society. I had a manicure from one and she was the best! One of the transvestites I knew worked at the gym I belonged to. I thought she was attractive. I think if the person remains well groomed, it is okay.

98 blazer a/c is having problems HELP!!!!?

Its extremely hot where I live, well the a/c when i first start the truck runs fine, but not the best. after keeping the engine running for about 1 hour worth of driving, the cold air stops, and its kinda like a window unit when you turn off the compressor, it just blows normal air. I popped the hood and touched the compressor in the truck and it was realy hot. well i turned the a/c off and drove about 30mins and when I turned the a/c back on it blew cold air. i stopped and opened the hood and the compreesor was cold again. im confused, can it be a bad compressor? HELP ASAP!!!!!

Everything is going wrong, very depressed. help, any recommendations?

Lif is hard and it sometimes is harder than at other's times, but what we have total control over is what choices we make. So go to the doctor and get something like an anti depressant to help you cope and then start dealing with each issue one by one, if you sit and think about everything all at once and all the time, you are always going to feel dispondent and totally overwhelmed, but if you break it all up into bits you can deal with one at a time, then it is fixable.

Is my booster (brake) bad?

It does sound like a bad booster.But before you have it replaced, have the brakes bled there may be air in the lines.

I feel lonely I wanna be loved?

Im 25 years old,just broke up with mu ex who we thought we were going to be together for a while. She wants to be freinds but she ignores me is like the only people she talks to is on facebook. Anyways im just tired of being lonely I wanna be loved have a kids family,is like every relationship doesnt work :( im the sweet,nice type of guy. Its really hard to find girls over here most of them ate marrie have bfs I dont know. Im jusr tired of this I felt so lonely sense I been 14 years I just give up :"(

I need a decent ending for my short film, any ideas?

all tee shirts are turned inside out and swapped with someone else and invited to tell a joke based on what is written on ther "new" tee shirt ? everyone encouraged to clap and cheer each other.

When you return to kid form in ocarina of time, what all can you do?

I just became a kid again and I was wondering what all i can do or what items i can get now that i couldnt before or that will help me as an adult. I got the lens of truth and a couple heart pieces, any little quirks that i am missing?

DO I HAVE A CHANCE? or are we just friends?

You definitely have a chance. Your ages are tender but go for it becuase broken hearts mend hard! If you never ask him if he is interested he may not persue You. Are you willing to give that risk a try or are you woman enough to ask him if he is interested? It doesn't all hang on the Guys part in fact much of it hangs on the woman. Men are tender at any age and at 16 he is growing up but needs some encouragement. Maybe you could offer some encouragement and a relationship would grow out of this. So go on be wickedly nice to each other just be safe.

Will these tires fit my chevy?

I want to put BF Goodrich all terrain ko 285/75r16 tires on my truck. Will they fit on my stock rims and will they fit under my truck with out rubbing or messing with my speedometer,transmission,or differential. My truck is a 1998 silverado 1500 z71 ( It is a 4x4 if you didn't just assume that) every thing is stock. I would like a strait answer cant seem to find one and if you have a the same truck with the same size that would be great to hear your story.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Plz help with my question?

okay, so there's this guy and i recently started thinking that he was cute...well last night my friend told his friend, and his friend told him...and i could tell instantly that he knew by the way he was acting. When he found out we were sitting down playing this game (it was a game night) and he was looking at me constantly. Like, my friend was sitting next to me and just to annoy me she was counting each time he looked at me and she got up to 12 times in that one game... but then when we were done with the game u could almost say that he was like...hiding...cuz we were outside in a parking lot and he was behind this truck and like turned away..and then he was like behind his friends(but the "hiding" was only for a little while)...but i noticed that he was like way... "smilier" (u know just smiling like the entire night) than he seemed very happy. and then the guy that told him i think he was cute was with the guy i used to like and the guy im talking about now and the guy i used to like pointed at me...while he was talking to them. but idk, i guess im just confused about the night. what do u think of it all? plz help!(:

Is my best friend gay? How can I ask him?

Maybe you can mention it as a joke first and see his reaction or just stay friends and let him make the move if he is that way. I wouldn't straight out crack on to him it may damage your relationship with him. :)

Low AC pressure in the sierra?

WADAP. I have low pressure in my trucks air conditioner. It blows cold and everything, but even when the fan is on high, there isnt much pressure. What do i do? 1997 GMC sierra. v6

I want a boyfriend I am 13?

all da guys at my skooll r dooshes and act like jb act the guys who like me r socialy ocward and the normal guys who like me are to nervous to ask me out onetime there was a mormal guy who liked me he was an inch from asking me out and he didn't do anything i don't want to be a prep i dont want to be a nerd i just want to be myself but nobody likes that @ my school! i go to rio bravo greely the school wher rich dooshes (mostly girls) go! all my friends have bfs and they think im not socialy atractive for not having one please dont give me compicated advice and don't give advice like"that does'nt matter your still in skool" or "boyfriend are for grownups" give me a answer that answers my question!

Why can't you make fun of people anymore?

Everyones so easily offended now it's made us all uptight.Why can't we just laugh at our differences and and accept that we have our flaws and quirks and just say oh well and quit acting so sensitive over it

Weird complicated relationship with this guy, some help please? 10 points!?

If he's that great and you trust him, just be honest and tell him you kind of like him. If he's a true friend then he'll understand and it won't ruin your friendship (:

How to get a guy to wait for sex?

These are personal decisions, neither right nor wrong, just the way you feel. Your choice. For all of us there is only one "first time". But most people will tell you that having a good sex life is important in a marriage relationship. And there is no way to know if it will work well or not without doing it. Look at the questions in "Marriage and Divorce" and note the number of them that deal with sexual relations between married people. There are many problems, some between people who were virgins when they got married and some between people who had a lot of practice before marriage...and some between people who have lived together a long time and never married. But they all have problems. Keep that in mind as you make your decisions. To most guys (not all, just most) the virginity of their bride/girlfriend is not important. Would it really mean that much to you if your husband was not a virgin?

Cost to replace a 3.0l toyota with a 289 ford?

The toyota motor is on its last leg but its a great truck, and I have a 289 ford motor with extremely low miles, I was wondering how much it would cost me to convert everything over?

Horse deal gone bad, your advice?

My husband went to look at a colt last weekend. We are not new to horses. He gave the seller a 50% deposit along with a month's board as our truck is currently in the shop so we would not be able to take him home immediately. The seller cashed both checks. Today she called to say that the colt had to be gone by Sunday as she was going on vacation. We told her that there was no way we could get him this weekend and as far as we were concerned we had until 20th July to collect him. She is now saying that she is keeping our money and will refund it if she can get him sold to someone else soon, but if not she'll consider it part of her expenses for feeding him in the meantime!! What do we do?


really don't know whats wrong with me. IM 21 years old & I know guys think i'm cute/hott/whatever, because I have friends who tell me "so & so thinks your cute but is shy to talk to you" or "my friend so & so saw your pics and wants to meet you". I have had 2 boyfriends, but both were basically set ups. The first one my friend set us up cuz she was friends with him too and he liked she introduced us, and the 2nd one was also pretty much done the same way except we started talking on fb through a mutual friend & then met. I have NEVER had a guy actually approach me & introduce himself to me or ask me out or anything. I barely even have any guy friends, maybe just 1-2, & the other guys I met in my class ended up just being "HI' "BYE" friends...idk why. I still have contact with my ex bfs friends tho(i knew them b4 i knew him) and they all are, ALL OVER one of my friends who they met ONCE, and she is younger than them too, they have all asked her out atleast once. Its kind of frustrated though knowing that there are guys who like me or find me attractive yet never are able to approach me themselves, and IM a shyy one so no i can't approach them myselves ill be too embarrassed. SO what do you think im doing wrong & what can i change???

Why is my truck so underpowered?

its a 1997 3.9L v6 dodge dakota. I have replaced the spark plugs, wires, distributor cap and ignition coil. It is so slow and it gets around 10mpg.



I need to plan an event during work lunch for co-workers?

Ever heard of pin the tail on the donkey? For your 4th of July theme, find a large-ish map of the US (from a bookstore) and a small flag with a thumb tack through it. Wherever your company is on the map, that is where they have to stick the pin there. They have to be blindfolded (with a sleep mask or something) and spun around three times. Then they hold their arm out and pin. They are not allowed to feel around the map. Use a marker to show who pinned where and whoever gets closest to the right spot wins a prize (maybe a little US flag decorative pin or something). Food, make it red, white and blue, like strawberries, blueberries and angel food cake. Well, that was the first idea off the top of my head! Good luck.

I want your opinion on blocking?

starting off. bfs daughter blocked me on fb, now his son who lives with me has blocked me. (bf is a trucker, only home 2 days a week) how should i handle this? my dad says ignore it. however being the person i am says play along. if i am ignored in FB world which is reality to so many kids, should i not be ignored in the real world? in other words, if he actually talks to me should i act as if i do not hear a thing? what would you do? for insights... he is 17, i have been with his dad for 2 yeaRS now.. have known him for 4.

What's a good sub/amp set up?

I'm looking to put a nice sub box with subs in the truck of my car along with some new speakers and throw in an amp or 2. What set up should I get, what brand, etc. I want something LOUD but still sounds good. Price doesn't matter what ever you got. Leave a link if you can otherwise just put the brand and all that. Giving 10 points to the ones I like the most.

Is my cat stupid or just plain crazy?

Hey;) If it is a new one, then ofcourse its scared of everything, when I got my first cat, we couldnt touch it. it just runs everywhere, but now we have it long and Its very cute and dont run and aint scared. If your cat is that scared, and is with you over 100 days, its very strange take it to a vet. :]

Am I a loser because i'm 20 and live at home?

I really don't have any friends, after highschool every one went their separate ways. I went to a university for a semester, hated it, it was all a bunch of hippies, hipsters, and partying... took a semester off, to work. So, I went to community college for a semester.I did okay my first semester. My second, however I got busy with work and got lazy and failed a bunch, and got put on a warning, and then did not heed the warning and got on suspension. I do have depression and my meds make me sleepy a lot... so it's very hard if not impossible to actually wake up and go to class. I'm almost comatose a lot. My boyfriend is in a different state with the military. We've been long distance for a year. I won't move in with him, because I don't believe i'm ready for that yet. I am moving very soon here to a different state with my mom and my little sister and my dad. And starting a new community college with a fresh GPA. How can I turn my life around and make friends? My 18 year old boyfriend keeps trying to get me to marry him, so I dumped him and dated a co-worker who was my bfs friend, then I dumped him and he told every one I am a B*Tch for "toying" with him and now I quit my job and they all hate me. I was really just confused! I got back with him, and he's still pressuring me to marry me so he can trap me... I love him and I want to just not now. I feel like i'm 13 again and everything is out of control. How can I get my stuff together?

How to get my dads truck on trick my truck?

he is sick with co pd and he has a 1951 GMC truck that he has ben trying to restore he has ben working on it for about 3 years he said he has a roiling Chaise and trying to get money to fix the body but our family is on fixed income this is his most prized possession besides me and my sister please help my dad he is a big fan of the show

Doing a Yard Sale....questions!?

I have a vintage metal toy tonka truck...its a little dirty and rusty but nothing we can't fix...a lot of people i've seen sell other types of tonka for up to 200 much should we sell ours?

Why do some guys like girls butts?

okay so im 13 and on the last day of school, we where allowed to where booty shorts (no im not a slut i just wanted to piss my school of bc i got in trouble for wearing a shirt where my bra BARELY showed) and my friends and i were walking and my bf was behind us with his best friend, and my friends saw my bfs best friend elbow him and say booty shorts, and pointed at my ***. and then me and my best friend went to the mall. and then we were wearing shorts, i mean its summer? why not? and these like 18 year olds were looking at our asses? why do most guys like them so much?


If you have the records of how much you were entitled to get and how much you got, that's good enough. Why they withheld it completely another matter. With good faith in them to buy equipment later on, you let 50% of your earnings be with them. Does this have any agreement that you are giving 50% of your income for future buying. Any way just secure all the records, go to a lawyer and make them get a notice. Your money should come running your way. Else go to court and they will pay 100 times more for the money and the mental harassment done to you.

How to I get my husband to stop mouth breathing and sucking wind after sentences?

My husband comes from a family of mouth breathers. His mother mouth breathes very loudly, and it is quite disturbing. My husband mouth breathes and I have been after him to try to get him to stop. I can't even stand when is next to me, mouth breathing in my ear and face. Another very strange quirk he has, is sometimes, especially when is excited, is to suck wind after every sentence, through his mouth. Sometimes he makes a hissing sound inward through closed teeth. Otherwise, he purses his lips out and just take a huge intake of air through his mouth, where other people would take a intake of air through the nose. I can't stand it. Please help me otherwise the mouth breather is going to drive me crazy. I don't see any allergies going on here. He lived with his Mamma until he was in his late 40's and he just mimicked and picked up her ugly breathing habits.

What shud i do about my bfs parents :?

im gonna b a teen mum in a few months, still in a relationship with the babys dad, he works and will b doin collage part time at the end of the year, i have a part time job, our familys have arranged for me 2 continue living at home, and for him to remain at his, money isnt rly the problem, its tht his parents are like worried there nt gonna b involved in the babys life, and tbh his parents wernt the best rolemodels, and expect me and my bf to live together with them :s i dnt wnt 2 hurt there feelings, bt the baby isnt born yet..... what shud i tell my bf :s

Are these signs that he's cheating? Or does this girl just need to back off?

Calm down. He isn't writing that on her wall and a hug is not cheating. If you are really bothered mention it to your bf. Don't be all psycho and just let him know it hurts your feelings. It sounds like a joke and nothing more but only he can tell you if something really is going on.Best of luck!

Do you think she might like me?

Ok so theres this girl I kinda like. We've known each other for awhile but never really talked or hung out until a few months ago, and we didn't start to hangout outside of school things until a couple weeks ago. She almost always texts me first, and we hang out like almost everyday and if not its every other day. She tells me almost everything except for a few EXTREMELY personal things. Recently shes gone through some tough times and I've been there for her. Shes the first girl that I've liked that almost in my league cuz I always go for girls out of my league. I really like her. The other night I was at a friends house about 10 miles away from her house(she lives in the same neighborhood as me) and she calls me crying and she tells me all the details but then she has to hang up cuz she had to be quiet so she didn't wake up her family, but one of my friends who can drive let me borrow his truck and drive over to her house to help her. She seemed really happy that I was there but she couldn't talk or anything cuz her mom woke up and was like watching over her like a hawk. I was inside her house for the first time the other night too, I was supposed to leave but then she invited me in and we watched most of a movie but her mom came out of her room and was giving us that kinda evil look because the night before her mom told her I couldn't stay any later than 11:30 and it was like 11:45, and we were really enjoying the move. Idk if I should tell her that I like her or make a move or just forget it and be friends. If you read all of this thank you!

I can't forget my ex-best friend no matter what I do or how hard I try?

Over time things will get better.Just remember the great times you had.Memories....My situation is different but I lost a good friend .We were not friends very long but I treated her as if we were best friends that grew up together.We hung out all the time .We were drinking buddies.Until her boyfriend got out of jail. .I knew once he got out the friendship was over.He was jealous of me .She talked to much about us while he was locked up, even after I told her not to ,cause it just was upsetting him..He got out ,she emailed saying that he told her that she could have noting to do with me.Good thing for me was I knew it was going to happen . I was still upset,,offended, disappointed,pissed off at the same time. I was hurt in away cause I felt she did not even put up a fight for me . I got kicked to the curb and and she went with it .I understand it is her boyfriend but she talked to much .So I held her accountable for what happened..She still wanted to be friends but wanted to do it in a sneaky way behind her boyfriends back.....I was doing nothing wrong,so I was not going be sneaking around being friends.....This was like 3 years ago.....As time goes on you just don't think about them like that . Things may remind you of them..I made the choice to stop being friends a month before he got out of jail.It was just offical once he got out . Because of the good times we had in ways I regret doing that ,but it was for the best.I made the choice to keep her in my life or not . How bad do you want your friend in your life .Do you want to her to be part of your life ,so you can have more great memories...If you do get in touch with her.She may be really happy to hear from you ..She might be thinking the same thing you are . Once you have a connection with someone they will always be there in one way or another .It's part of your life...Growing up I had 3 best friends I had lost. Same thing just remember the good times......You will beable to move on.I have done it several times .It's harder when your younger and it is childhood friend............Good luck .Hope something I said helped

Plz help!!! this is driving me nuts, it seems like i can go to a mall, where i live and not have any anxity at?

all, but if i were go to some place else, like another town or city, i think i would get really nervous, around people i don't know.. .. but when it comes giving a presentation say like in school, i would avoid it at all costs, because i would get extremely nervous, i would avoid going to bars or clubs when there is a lot of people say like going to a dance where it would be packed with people, and one more thing last year i went and did my road test, and before i got in the truck and saw the driving instructor i got nervous, and when i did get in the truck, my hands started to shake my heart was pounding and i ended up failing horribly... does this sound like social anxiety or can you have some parts of social anxiety but not all...also i get really nervous and my hands tremble when i have to do stuff in front crowds of people

Can I move out at 17 an not be charged as runaway or brought back in the state of Georgia ?

I'm 17 and I wanna move out. My mom passed away in 2008 and left custody of me to my aunt and uncle. For a while now we have had no tv and there's absolutely nothing to do but sit and listen to the radio and stare at 4 walls or sleep all the time. There's way to much negative energy in the house and I just hate being here. I get yelled at for little things like turnin the air on when I get hot or doing laundry and not turning the clothes right side out. I feel depressed all the time. They are way to controlling. The only place I get to go is to my boyfriends house and to the neighbors house Which is about 50 to 100 feet away from us! They say they trust me but actions speak louder than words. They have to do a background check on anybody that I ask to go somewhere with like my bfs neighbor who wanted to take me and my bf to Atlanta so I could meet my bfs grandparents. Unfortunatly he found something he didn't like a speeding ticket from 20yrs ago. It's getting rediculous and I can't take the negativity any more things are only getting worse I need help!!!

Is this a good car theft idea?

Just thinking of ways to steal cars. No I'm not actually stealing one. Me and my friend were arguing over the easiest way. I said: go to somewhere like a parking lot at an NFL game. Like Foxboro for the Patriots in New England. It's a big, dirt, open, parking lot on the other side of street of stadium. No people are over there really. My plan would be to get a tow truck and tow a car away. I would do cut a hole in the hood, so I could disconnect the battery to prevent the alarm from going off. I would then break into the car and put it in neutral (I would do it to a manual transmission car). I would then proceed to tow the car away. Any problems to this ideas? Any suggestions? JUST FOR FUN. NOT A REAL PLAN.

I'm only eating one small meal a day?

You need to eat because if you don't your body will think u are starving and what ever u eat it will keep on sooo lets say u eat a tv dinner u will gain 1 to 3 pounds sooo honey plz eat good luck and feel better